BMI Calculate men and women
calculate BMI
You can easily calculate your BMI online. You can calculate your BMI here, based on your height and weight. This way you can quickly calculate your BMI. It does not matter for the BMI whether you are a woman or a man
Our BMI calculator automatically calculates your Body Mass Index. We can't make it any easier!
How do you calculate BMI?
- Enter weight and height to calculate your BMI
- The BMI calculator shows whether you have a healthy BMI or whether you are underweight, overweight or obese.
- Do you have an unhealthy BMI? Then take action to lose weight or gain weight in consultation with a general practitioner, nutritionist and/or sports instructor. A healthy lifestyle with lots of exercise and healthy food can help with this.
Calculate overweight by measuring BMI
You can calculate overweight by measuring your BMI. On this page you can just use our BMI calculator to calculate whether you are overweight, overweight or perhaps weigh too little. JYou calculate your BMI on the basis of your height and weight and a BMI Formula. We have processed this BMI calculation formula in the BMI calculator. This way you can quickly calculate your BMI.
Calculate BMI for women and men aged 18 to 70 years in kg
BMI Calculator
Is your BMI lower than 30 and do you have localized fat that you can't get rid of?
Check out what we can do for you with a Cryolipolysis treatment (freezing fat)
What is BMI
The BMI (Body Mass Index) formula is an internationally used measure for folds and men that shows you whether you are a healthy weight in relation to your height. The BMI gives an indication of how healthy your body weight is. The BMI is less suitable if you are very muscular, pregnant, breastfeeding or of Asian descent.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the weight of an adult woman or man in kilograms divided by the square of the height. The BMI is the simplest method of measurement for weight categories such as underweight, healthy weight, overweight or obesity.
BMI does not measure body fat. The outcome of the BMI calculator should be seen as an indication of a healthy weight. If you are seriously overweight (obese) or severely underweight, we always advise you to consult a nutrition or sports expert in combination with your doctor.
BMI table
The BMI table above shows that it is important to stay within the BMI limits of 18,5 – 25. Within those limits you have a healthy weight. You can calculate your own BMI via the BMI calculator above. Check what your BMI score is and whether you are a healthy weight.
Tackling overweight
In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we offer in Amsterdam treatments that freeze fat to permanently remove fat in local areas such as the abdomen, legs and arms. This is an effective method of tackling localized fat, but it is not suitable for obese people.
Do you have a BMI above 30 unfortunately we can't do cryo treatment to carry out. An exception to this are strength athletes, or athletes with a lot of muscle mass.
With a BMI above 30, the fat cells are too large to freeze. The results will therefore be disappointing with a BMI above 30. We can refer you to a nutritionist or personal trainer who can help you on your way to a healthy weight.

Overweight and obesity
Do you have a BMI over 25?
Then there is already overweight. With a BMI higher than 25, the advice is to exercise more and eat healthier. intermittent fasting is a method to be more conscious with food and many overweight people benefit from this.
calculate athlete's BMI
If you are a (top) athlete with a large muscle mass, this can lead to a higher BMI. Calculating the BMI for athletes with a lot of muscle mass is not the right method to determine your excess weight. Athletes should opt for fat measurements.
With a BMI over 30:
We recommend that you contact your doctor and seek professional help in the field of exercise and nutrition.
More than 50% of the Dutch are overweight
In 2020, 50% of all Dutch people aged 18 and older were overweight, of which almost 14% were seriously overweight (obesity). Unfortunately, this percentage will have increased significantly in 2022 due to the closing of the gyms during the Corona pandemic. As a result, in the long run, this will mean that more people are admitted to hospitals with obesity-related conditions.
BMI Underweight and Anorexia
If you have a BMI much lower than 18.5, then you are (severely) underweight or anorexia. It is important to seek help for your own health. A weight that is too low is just as unhealthy as a weight that is too high. In addition, there is a chance that a person with a BMI lower than 18.5 will suffer from psychological and physical complaints.BMI and getting pregnant?
Too high BMI and complications pregnancy
A BMI between 25 and 30 indicates overweight, but the risk of complications is hardly increased. With a BMI between 30 and 35, there are additional risks such as gestational diabetes. With a BMI above 35, it is no longer responsible to give birth at home. The chance of complications (such as a baby that is too heavy and a lot of blood loss) increases, which means that childbirth can carry additional risks.Calculate BMI during pregnancy
Of course you will gain weight during pregnancy. That is why calculating your BMI during pregnancy is slightly different. One woman gains much more weight than the other. That is why it is certainly good to calculate your BMI when you are pregnant. Do you want to calculate your index while you are pregnant? Then it is also important to indicate when you are due. Through calculate pregnancy weight gain you can easily calculate your BMI during pregnancy.
BMI calculate formula
Calculating Bmi is done with the QI formula. We calculate the Quetelet Index in kilograms divided by the height squared. Below we write the formula for you:
BMI = mass in kilograms / height in meters squared
Example BMI calculation:
A person is 180 cm and weighs 80 kilograms.
BMI = 80 kilograms / (1,80m x 1,80m) = 80 kilograms / 3,24 = 24,69
As you can see from the calculation and the BMI table, this person has a healthy weight
Additional method to measure healthy weight and fat
Measure waist circumference (belly circumference)
It is important for your health to know where the body fat is. Fat in and around the abdomen is very dangerous for your health.
Belly fat can mean you have visceral fat. Visceral fat is subcutaneous abdominal fat that carries the following risks:
- coronary heart disease
- Cancer
- Stroke
- Dementia
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Arthritis
- Obesity
- Sexual Dysfunction
- Sleep problems
- Covid-19
How do you measure your waist circumference?
- Stand up straight
- Apply a tape measure around your waist in a straight line, on bare skin
- Do not pull the tape measure too tight
- Measure the waist circumference between the lower rib and the top of your pelvis, approximately at the height of the navel

What is a healthy waist circumference
Low risk: – Men: < 94 cm – Women: < 80 cm Moderate risk: – Men: 94-102 cm – Women: 80-88 cm High risk: – Men: > 102 cm – Women: > 88 cm For a good picture of the health of your weight, it is also good to check whether you have a healthy BMI.Calculating BMI Exceptions
- Calculate strength athlete and BMI As an athlete, it is possible that your BMI falls into the overweight category, while you do not have a high fat mass. In that case, the waist circumference is a good additional measure to map out the health risk.
- Calculating Asian descent and BMI The BMI of people of Asian descent differs from that of Western people. A BMI of 22 in an Asian person is comparable to a BMI of 25 in the Caucasian race.
- BMI calculate the elderly or children Furthermore, a different value is also used for children and the aging of the body in older people (more fat, less muscle mass) is not taken into account.