Peel Amsterdam

Our peeling in Amsterdam effectively tackles skin problems. The chemical peels from pH Formula are the only ones of their kind and are different from all other peels available in Amsterdam.

pH Formula Resurfacing is the only peeling that also adds active ingredients using oxygen. This allows us to work much deeper into the skin than traditional chemical peels. This feels sensational and also causes much less irritation and peeling.

Peelings come in different strengths, so we also have a suitable peeling for sensitive and dark skin in our clinic in Amsterdam.


Book a course of 3 peeling treatments now get 50,- discount

Peels are effective for:

  • Wrinkles and lines / skin aging
  • sagging skin
  • Red skin / Couperose and Rosacea
  • Acne 
  • Pigmentation, pigment spots and spot on the skin
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Fine lines around the mouth, eyes and upper eyelids
  • Even scars from acne, chicken pox or facial injuries.

Peeling treatment suitable for:

  • Men and women
  • The dark skin
  • The light skin
  • The sensitive skin
  • From about 20 to 65 years old. 

pH Formula resurfacing
Level 2
€ 125, -

pH Formula resurfacing
Level 3

€ 155, -

Treatment 3 treatments
Level 2

Peeling Amsterdam in different intensity levels to suit your skin

Our Peelings contain controlled skin resurfacing. This actively stimulates cell production. Peeling and irritation are kept to a minimum with this new chemical peeling. Classic chemical peels mainly cause peeling and skin irritation. When peeling pH Formula you have the advantages of a classic chemical peeling, but not the disadvantages!

Peeling Amsterdam appointment including intake and skin scan

Before we start the treatment, there is always an extensive intake. Book the free intake together with the treatment in the online agenda

Chemical Peeling from pH Formula

Peelings from pH Formula In other words, Resurfacings make the skin stronger, firmer, more radiant and younger. It is sensational to experience this peeling and the introduction of active ingredients by means of oxygen in one. These skin treatments therefore deliver very nice results with:

  • Skin aging intensive wrinkle reduction and tightening of the skin
  • Acne inflammation and the sebum content of the skin
  • Hyperpigmentation and skin discolorations are spectacularly reduced
  • Chronic redness, diffuse redness, rosacea and rosacea can be addressed


The newest peeling in Amsterdam is called Resurfacing

What is resurfacing and what does it do to your skin?

It is a non-invasive process that rejuvenates your skin layer by layer. Controlled skin resurfacing goes beyond the outer layer of the skin to actively trigger an accelerated form of cell regeneration in all layers. New skin cells are formed from within, resulting in a more radiant, younger-looking skin surface – without the risk and expense of cosmetic surgery.

Suitable for whom?

The peeling treatment in Amsterdam

How does our peeling work?

The unique pH formula peeling system is based on the technology of cell-stimulating medical ingredients combined with the concept of controlled chemical resurfacing.

8 reasons why you should choose one pH Formula Resurfacing should choose

  1. Our peeling is known in the field of skin change, to make the skin think differently in order to achieve a great result.
  2. Our peeling is no-nonsense products: no perfume, completely honestly developed and at the source where ingredients for the cosmetics are developed.
  3. This peeling should absolutely not be compared to a traditional chemical peeling. What pH Formula what really sets it apart are the addition of active ingredients and the use of oxygen.
  4. Traditionally, these types of treatments often work with a few acids, which are often highly concentrated and work in the skin. This often requires a long recovery.
  5. What makes our peeling different is that we combine several acids with each other and can therefore remain low in percentage. This gives you cell stimulation and a very fast recovery of the skin.
  6. What makes our treatment unique are the medical ingredients with a unique delivery system in the skin that pHformula has a patent on.
  7. Traditional chemical peels mainly work in the top layer of skin, causing peeling. But real skin problems are much deeper in the skin and are not tackled with a superficial chemical peel.
  8. pH Formula resurfacing does work deep into the skin! 


Pre and post products for maximum results: 

The pre and post products from pH Formula are all based on the unique PH-DVC delivery complex. This unique system also allows the products you use at home to reach the deeper layers of the epidermis. To achieve optimal results, it is therefore very important to use home products in addition to professional treatment pH formula to use.

That is why these unique products for at home are included in our treatment as standard.

chemical peel amsterdam
Resurfacing the latest peeling without downtime

Question and answer peels

Yes, you can, but there must be at least 2 to 3 weeks in between

No, after treatment there is no down time.  There is no redness, peeling or recovery time.

There should be 4 weeks between a treatment

Yes, after 1 treatment your skin structure is already smoother with a beautiful glow. A course of treatment is recommended for a long-lasting effect.

The Active extends the result of your treatment and prepares your skin for the next treatment. The Recovery restores, nourishes the skin and ensures that protons (charged active ingredients enter your skin) that go to work in the skin.

The treatment can be booked all year round. Also in the summer, make sure you do not sunbathe or lie under a sunbed. The skin must always be well protected against UV radiation, even when the sun is not shining.

It is incredibly beautiful to make a combination with, for example, the Cold Laser of Organic Skin Light .

pHformula activates and exfoliates the cells and in combination with these other treatments you give your cells energy again. Which makes your skin work even harder to produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.

Make-up may be applied immediately after the treatment. We always recommend mineral make-up ban Youngblood that does not close the skin and also offers protection.
Most people do not experience the treatment as painful. You may experience a slight form of burning, tingling, warmth or tightness.

On the day of the peeling, our advice is not to go swimming or go to the sauna.

In addition, do not sit in the sun or under a tanning bed. In addition, the skin should always be well protected with an SPF, even in winter.

The risks of a pH formula treatment cannot be compared to a traditional chemical peel. The focus, like with a chemical peel, is not to make the skin peel. The focus at pH formula is to allow active ingredients to be absorbed deeply into the skin.

There can be minimal shedding, but this can be prevented with the aftercare products.

Yes, in principle this is possible because no active ingredients enter the bloodstream. But our advice is to special facial treatment for pregnant women to book?

pH formula the peeling combined with oxygen without downtime

Make an appointment online for the peeling with results in Amsterdam South

❯ Best peeling Amsterdam
❯ Peeling Tailored to your skin
❯ Easy online appointment
❯ 9.5 customer rating
❯ more than 25 years of experience
❯ Certified skin specialists
❯ Since 2013 the beauty salon in Amsterdam

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